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Preventing corruption

Symbolbild Bestechung, Mann holt Geldscheine aus seiner Jackettasche, corruption, man pulling money from the jacket pocket, © blickwinkel
The Directive Concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration of 30 July 2004 lays down the legal framework for the anti-corruption tasks at the Federal Foreign Office headquarters and at German missions abroad.
Preventing corruption
The Directive Concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration of 30 July 2004 lays down the legal framework for the anti-corruption tasks at the Federal Foreign Office headquarters and at German missions abroad. The Directive is intended to offer clear and concise guidelines on honest, fair and transparent actions by the federal administration.
Ethical principles and rejection of corruption must be firmly anchored in the minds of staff at Federal Foreign Office headquarters and seconded personnel and local staff at German missions abroad. Key issues relating to the prevention of corruption at Federal Foreign Office headquarters and at German missions abroad include awareness of this issue among staff, protection from potential corruption risks and the preservation of high ethical and legal standards as an integral part of all actions by the federal administration.
Rewards, personal gifts and other benefits
The maxim must be: it is prohibited to accept any rewards, personal gifts or other benefits!
Staff at Federal Foreign Office headquarters as well as seconded and local staff at German missions abroad may not accept rewards, gifts or other benefits in connection with the performance of their duties. All other regulations are to be found in the circular of 8 November 2004 concerning the prohibition of gifts in the federal administration and the relevant Federal Foreign Office circulars. More information and answers to questions often asked can be found in the catalogue of questions/answers about accepting rewards, gifts or other benefits drawn up under the aegis of the Federal Ministry of the Interior by the Private Sector/Federal Administration Anti-Corruption Initiative.
You can also direct any questions or pass on any information on preventing corruption in the Federal Foreign Office to the Commissioner for Corruption Prevention at the Federal Foreign Office.
Local contact person for matters concerning the prevention of corruption in Greece
Contact person for matters concerning the prevention of corruption at the Embassy in Athens is:
Mr. Frank Werner
Telephone: +30 210 728 52 22
Contact person for matters concerning the prevention of corruption at the Consulate General in Thessaloniki is:
Mrs. Monika Frank
Telephone: +30 23 10 25 11 20